ESPGHAN What’s New – October 2021

Dear ESPGHAN Members,
After a busy October for meetings and other initiatives, we have included important updates in the text below, including our ongoing webinar programme, open Council and Committee positions for 2022, and additional relevant societal information.
Planning is ongoing for the 53rd Annual Meeting in Copenhagen, June 22-25, 2022, with updates to be included on the dedicated congress website.
– ESPGHAN Executive Committee
ESPGHAN Open Positions
ESPGHAN Treasurer: The role of Treasurer is open for applications.
Open Committee Positions:
– One position for Young ESPGHAN Representative on the Committee of Nutrition
– Two Committee of Hepatology positions
– One position on the Gastroenterology Committee.
For more information, please click here.
ESPGHAN Educational Events
The 2021 educational event schedule can be found in the Knowledge Centre on the society website, including recent decisions on format and postponements. Our 2022 programme will also be added in the coming weeks.
Important Information for Members
ESPGHAN Webinars. Our next hepatology webinar offering will be held on November the 23rd, focussing on Growing up with Biliary Atresia. More details can be found on our Website.
Awards and Grants. We would like to remind members on the below open awards and grants still available for application/submission in 2021:
– Charlotte Anderson Award
– International Exchange Award
– Distinguished Service Award
Reminder: Endnote subscription. ESPGHAN would like to offer our active members access to Endnote as part of our initiative for Societal Paper quality. More information can be found in our announcements section here.
Young ESPGHAN Initiatives. The upcoming webinars can be found here, with the Case of the Month for October also available.
Phishing emails. We have been made aware of recent phishing emails being sent in the name of prominent members, which look genuine in approach and result in a request for payment. Please disregard these mails or check with the ESPGHAN Office if unsure of authenticity.
Additional Initiatives
ESPGHAN Endoscopy SIG survey: The Endoscopy Group kindly asks members to participate in a survey about how endoscopists manage recurrent and intentional foreign body ingestion (RIFBI) in paediatrics. The anonymous survey takes a few minutes to complete, and can be found by clicking here.
UEG Week Virtual 2021 – Congress Review & Session recordings now accessible: The congress review can be found by clicking here and on-demand packages are also available on the UEG Website.