ESPGHAN What’s New – August 2023
Dear ESPGHAN Members, friends and colleagues,
With the summer period now winding down, we will enter a busy societal period of meetings and events, with the recent Gastroenterology Committee Strategy Day marking the beginning of our Autumn Meeting period, and highlighting the excellent work of the Committees and working/special interest groups within our society.
We would like to remind all members also to contribute to the consultation survey on the concept of paid roles and the Liaison Officer position within the society. The survey and information can be accessed here. The deadline has been finally extended to 30.09.2023.
Finally, in order to give members an easy and informal opportunity to discuss societal issues with the President and General Secretary, we are holding the next online meeting on the 04.10.2023, 16:00-17:00 CEST. Please contact the ESPGHAN Office to register for the call, and a link will be sent in good time before the meeting.
ESPGHAN Executive Committee
Ulrich Baumann, Mary Fewtrell, Lorenzo D’Antiga
Upcoming Open Positions
ESPGHAN Open PositionsUpcoming open positions for 2024 include:
– President Elect
– General Secretary
– Scientific Secretary
– JPGN Editor
Deadline for application will be 07.01.2024, More information on the roles can be found here.
Important Information for Members
ESPGHAN Endoscopy Fellowships 2024
Endoscopy Fellowship applications are now open. Deadline for applications is 31.10.2023. Further information can be found here.
Reminder: ESPGHAN Research Grant Call
Deadline for applications is 04.10.2023. Further information can be found here.
Reminder: ESPGHAN Young Investigator Forum Faculty
Applications are sought from enthusiastic individuals who are interested in teaching young and upcoming investigators. 2 positions are currently available for a period of 3 years, with an option to extend by one term. Specialists in Hepatology and Nutrition are particularly welcomed. Please contact the ESPGHAN Office for further details. Deadline for applications: 19.09.2023
Declaration of Interest Forms
After feedback from several members highlighting some issues, the IT company has now amended the forms. We encourage all members who had issues to resubmit their forms. Apologies for the inconvenience. The forms can be found in the members area of the website.
ESPGHAN Educational Events
The 2023 educational event schedule is now listed in the Knowledge Centre on the society website.
Upcoming Deadlines:
Necrotising Enterocolitis: 18.09.2023
Monothematic Conference on Portal Hypertension: Applications will open on 15.09.2023
Research Curriculum
Past Young Investigator Forum participants are encouraged to apply for this exciting new initiative. For more details, please click here.
ESPGHAN Webinars (Times in CEST)
Obesity (Young ESPGHAN): 13.09.2023 17:00-18:00
Nutritional Management of paediatric liver disease: 14.09.23 18:00-19:00
Portal Hypertension in Children: 19.09.2023 16:00-17:30
Please contact the ESPGHAN Office to register.
ESPGHAN Podcasts
The latest editions can be found at your preferred platform below:
Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Samsung
Additional Initiatives
Reminder: We Are ESPGHAN Campaign
In addition to our consultation process, we would like to invite all of our members to participate in our member-focussed campaign #WeAreESPGHAN. We would be delighted to hear about what ESPGHAN means to you. For a quick overview on the campaign, please click here. We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible join this initiative.
UEG Open Positions
ESPGHAN has allocated representation roles within UEG. For 2024, 3 positions are open.
– Research Committee representative
– Meeting of Members (2 positions)
If you are interested in the positions above, please contact the ESPGHAN Office for further details. Deadline for expressions of interest: 15.09.2023
Additionally, UEG Council has open positions for 2024 for which ESPGHAN can provide support for members in their applications. The positions and details can be found on the UEG Website.
BioMed Alliance positions
One seat in the BioMed Alliance Board of Directors will become available as of January 2024, and BioMed Alliance members are invited to propose a candidate for the upcoming elections. If you are interested in applying, please contact the ESPGHAN Office for more information. Deadline for applications: 15.09.2023
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